Athens IndustRy

Get to know the history of the Greek industry through an innovative augmented reality (AR) application from 30 meters high and with a 360-degree view of Athens! 

At the highest point of the New Watergas, the Observatory, visitors can discover well-known industries and emblematic buildings dating from the post-revolutionary era to the 20th century through the original Athens IndustRy app.

Through three-dimensional representations, interactive elements and historical information, the app brings visitors into contact with industries such as the Poulopoulos Hat Factory (Pil-Poul) that today houses the City of Athens Cultural Center “Melina”, the Papadopoulos biscuit factory, the Douroutis Silk Factory – today hosting the City of Athens Art Gallery, and other buildings, such as the City of Athens Nursery – today housing the City of Athens Art Gallery or the FIX Brewery Factory that now houses the National Museum of Contemporary Art. 

The app aims to offer a “journey down memory lane” to the magical world of industrial heritage and the city’s modern history in an interactive way.

Athens  IndustRy was designed by Artfygio in collaboration with the Industrial Gas Museum and the Information Management Research Lab of the Department of Archival, Library and Information Studies of the School of Administrative, Economics and Social Sciences of the University of West Attica. It is implemented under the auspices and funding of the Ministry of Culture and Sports.

The Athens IndustRy app is specially designed for adults and families with children 11+ years old.


Museum admission fee: €2

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